Sell your home Off-Market with Harris
The benefits of selling your home off-market with Harris
Selling Off-market
The benefits of selling your home off-market with Harris
Selling Off-market
As Adelaide’s largest independent real estate agency, Harris meet more buyers and tenants every week than any other agency.
This has resulted in over 22,000 registered Harris buyers and tenants currently in the database, ready to purchase or rent their next property. Harris Off-Market creates an opportunity to potentially sell or rent your home to these qualified buyers and tenants, minus the photography, signboard, marketing, or public open for inspections, saving you time, money, and costly advertising dollars.
It’s a powerful tool, and it can sell your home, sooner.
Not only can Harris’ extensive database specifically match buyers and tenants to your property and alert them as soon as your property is available for sale or rent, it can do so with greater momentum – a strategy that often creates optimum results, minus the open market.
Premium results are possible without invasive public open inspections. Your agent can short-list your buyer or tenant quickly from Harris’ extensive database – stress-free, and off-line.